Welcome to For the Love of Men Podcast

The intention of the show is to bring together men and women to create healthy, polarized relationship dynamics by learning how to honor each other's Masculine and Feminine energetic core.


Navigating Triggers in an Empowered Way

In this masterclass, you'll learn:

The 4 inner shifts to help you get back into the Empowered Paradigm so you naturally know how to create intimacy in moments of conflict

The 4 outer shifts to make to stabilize the situation before you create drama

How to keep the relationship moving forward after a conflict

(45 min)


What your Woman is Asking for Emotionally, and How to Provide it.

In this masterclass, you'll learn:

How to hear her in emotional moments so she can soften into her Feminine even more around you

The skills you need to diffuse emotional conflict (drama) so you can get back to feeling fun and playful together

Why sharing hasn't felt safe in the past so you don't set yourself up for unnecessary injury

When, What, and How to share to be most effective

How to repolarize so she feels even more attracted and connected to you as a result of your sharing

(75 min)


How to support your man to open up

In this masterclass, you'll learn:

Understanding how emotional intimacy is different for men and women and why you've struggled to create it

How to be a safe space for intimacy so he can naturally open up

Pitfalls to avoid during emotional conversations with your man and how keep the intimacy expanding for him to truly let you in

How to repolarize the connection after he opens up so you can continue to feel attracted to him

(85 min)